Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day April 22 Checklist

World Earth Day is A Day to Celebrate Earth on April 22. It is very important to observe Earth Day as it encourages us to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! On the eve of this 40th anniversary of the Earth Day, I have set the following agenda to be a little more eco-conscious than usual:

To Do List
  • Plant few trees 
  • Try to pay bills on-line 
  • Take a re-usable carry bag 
  • Gift plants instead of flowers 
  • Use energy saving equipment  
  • Work on laptop instead of desktop 
  • Take print-outs only when necessary 
  • Not to work on computers all the day 
  • Keep car engine idle at traffic junctions 
  • Switch off appliances & lights when leaving rooms 
  • Not to buy “snack packs” wrapped in cardboard & plastic 
  • Conserve water –Turn-off taps & attend to leaking water taps

  1. Conducting  "Let Us Take Online Pledge" an interactive live web session  at 5-00 pm on April 22:  [ I invite you to join this FREE session by clicking the above link ] 
  2. Attending a meeting at Hyderabad, India on "Green Earth & Sustainable Development" an address by my friend Dr. PVS Jagan Mohan Rao, Past President of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. The meeting will be followed by Green Snacks !!


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  1. Nice Summary.. Big fan of Going Green. Should also suggest having Rain Collection points in every home which will drain into the Soil.

  2. Its really amazing from you where will get to time write and do all this. It is really really good work enough to inspire people like us. A V Rao, PCS


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