=========== Update#1 on 23 November, 2014 =========
On eve of my Birthday, the 22nd November, 2014, I have participated in a Communicate Service Project undertaken by Rotary Club Of Hyderabad Metro in which I am Director-PR. This is an on going project at Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust, an initiative of Mahatma Gandhi, established in the early 1945 in Hyderabad [ http://www.kgnmthyd.org ] in its SWADHAR - A shelter home to the distressed, deserted and destitute women for their rehabilitation. Presently there are 123 inmates housed at the Trust. 42 of them are studying in schools and colleges, 56 are mentally unsound and 25 are normal but have been abused and left on the streets and 8 are elderly persons. We the Rotary members donated Inverter & backup equipment, Provisions including Sugar, Biscuits, Fruits and used dresses for the inmates.
Photos: (1) Rotarians taking stock of collected donation material (2) A cross section of inmates assembled to receive material. (3) Extending my gesture to the young inmates by handing over my donation of dresses to them while Rotary Club President Dr.Manik Prabhu looks on.
=========== Published on 11/18/14 10:36 PM India Standard Time =========
I am turning SIXTY years of age and entering the 7th decade of my life, on this Bahula Eekadashi of Kartheeka masam which is the eighth lunar month of Indian Astrology. Date-wise my birthday is on 22nd November.
To commemorate this occasion, I started compiling MY MEMOIR - a record of my personal experiences, recollections, events, achievements etc., and wish to bring out in an eBook form.
When you are reading this post means you are certainly my well wisher or a friend. Scanning your memory, try to recollect, post your comment [ instead of just clicking Like button ] as to when & how you started knowing me. Based on your experiences, I would be grateful if you could suggest Title(s) to my proposed ePublication.
Suryanarayana SV surya342@gmail.com
Mobile website: http://m.suryanarayana.com
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