Today morning I was taking a 4 hour training session on "12 Essentials of Communication Skills" as part of Secretarial Modular Training Programme conducted by the Hyderabad Chapter of Company Secretaries for the final passed students of Company Secretaryship course. This was my 46th batch of training on same topic since 1991 and it was well received as indicated in the written feedback given by the attendees. After completion of the session, few participants approached me to get their doubts clarified. Though I have guided them with some techniques, here are my additional inputs for all the 38 participants: - Good communication skills have a significant impact on your career. Your ability to speak well will make you popular. You will be able to impress your higher ups with your confidence, initiative and creative ideas. Isn’t it a great way to propel your career to dizzy heights with better communication skills?
- Though some people have an innate ability to speak well, it is always possible to develop communication skills with a bit of hard work. Preparation and practice are best ways to overcome nervousness.
- To succeed in your career you must present yourself with confidence. Your messages should have both content and style that makes a good impression on the listeners. Only practice and more practice can help you develop these qualities. So make it a point to devote enough time to master communication skills.
- Be prepared to go that extra mile - Attend seminars, interactive sessions and discussions to improve your communication skills. You can also take advantage of training programmes organized by professional bodies.
- Good communication skills have to go hand-in-hand with talent, ability and knowledge. Let others know your talent with your better communication.
The name Ugadi" came from Yuga Aadi which means "Beginning of a New age ". It is believed that the creator according to Hinduism, Lord Brahma started his work of creation on the Chaitra suddha padhyami Ugadi. The onset of spring also in some way symbolically marks the beginning of new life. The new life seen in the fields and meadows, with colorful blossoms, also signify prosperity. Ugadi (literally - the start of an era) is the new year's day for the people of the Deccan region of India. While we the people of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka use the term Ugadi for this festival, the people of Maharashtra term the same festival, observed on the same day, Gudi Padwa. Ugadi is celebrated on different day every year because the Hindu calendar is lunisolar calendar. The Saka calendar begins with the month of Chaitra (March/April) and the Ugadi this year is on Friday, the 27th March. Name of this new year is: Sri Virodhinama Samvatsaram. The day begins with ritual showers followed by prayers, and then the eating of a specific mixture of – Ugadi Pachhadi (Ugadi Chutney) made of Neem Buds/Flowers for Bitterness, Jaggery for Sweetness, Raw Mango for Vagaru, Tamarind Juice for sour, Salt for salty , Green Pepper for hotness This mixture with all six tastes called Ugadi Pachhadi in Telugu and Bevu-Bella in Kannada, symbolizes the fact that life is a mixture of pleasure and pain, which should be accepted together and with equanimity.
World Water Day is an international day of observance and action to draw attention to the plight of the more than 1 billion people world wide that lack access to clean and safe drinking water. World Water Day was designated in 1992 when the United Nations (UN) General Assembly passed a resolution. With each passing year, the observance has grown larger and stronger. In many ways though, World Water Day is still a relatively unknown event. Even with the support of the UN and efforts by leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and committed individuals, World Water Day is today at a similar stage as Earth Day was in the early 1970’s – important but relatively unknown. The theme for World Water Day 2009 is Water Connects. We all need water and all water flows together connecting us all and the need to protect this needed resource. It is time for us to realize the importance of water on World Water Day –the 22nd March every year. I recollect a pathetic life without safe water in villages. We the Rotary Club members recently launched Water Projects in Nalgonda District villages near Hyderabad, India. The photo included in this Blog was taken by me - A girl quenches her thirst with the pure drinking water as the Rotarians addressing the school children at the Government High School.We were astonished to listen from villagers that drinking water is being purchased by them at a rate of Rupees fourteen per pot. Please see the a report entitled “Drinking Water Projects quench their thirst” at or http://www.rotaryclubofsecunderabadwest.orgLet us be aware of the importance of clean and safe water, spread a word of its necessity and help those who are unable to get clean water. Here are some resources: Ahead To Receive Greetings from me on your Birthday, Festivals and occsssions like this.
I was one among a small group of Rotarians [Rotary Club Members] as a participant in a two day workshop conducted on 3rd and 4th March,2009 in Hyderabad,India. I went in as a participant and returned as a Certified Faculty. This orientation-cum-training programme was organised by Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) aimed at organizing leadership development programs for Rotary members world over. Though RLI is not an official program of Rotary International, our Rotary International District 3150 [Andhra Pradesh, India] recently joined as a Member of RLI and initiated this programme to refine the Rotarians' leadership skills and increase their base of knowledge in Rotary. This course was devided into 3 sessions. I was a Discussion Leader presenting along with few other Rotarians on pre-designed topics: "Rotary Beyond the Club","Vocational Service" and "Public Relations". All the sessions were initiated and reviewed at the end by well trained and experienced honorary facilitators of RLI. You can see them in this blog photo [Left to Right] Rtn.Dr.Rekha Shetty-Chairperson,South India Division RLI-Past District Governor 3230,Chennai-India, Rtn.Tam Mustapha-Past District Governor 7210, NY, USA and [Far right end] Rtn. Bimal Khaitan-Regional Vice Chairman-RLI South Asia-Past President of Rotary Club of Central Calcutta,India. This course of RLI has imparted a significant "leadership" component, a more thorough insight into what leadership is , how to implement it effectively, how to "team-build", and how to carry those leadership concepts through Rotary service projects, committees & club meetings. I have attended similar training programmes earlier. But I found this Course content was contemporay, practical, interactive, and geared towards business and professional people who want to be effective leaders in their vocation and as knowledgeable Rotarians. The inputs have also helped me in self-evaluation and to rightly channelize the existing skills. The course material provided to us is a real resource for conducting any training / orientation programme as per RLI norms.
In the concluding session, our District Governor Rtn. Dr.Sarat Babu [standing right to me in the photo] presented RLI Graduate Lapel Pin and a Certificate to every participant. This means that the attendees of this course are now fully equipped and qualified to serve as Faculty Members of the Rotary Leadership Institute courses conducted anywhere in the world. I am grateful to Rtn Dr Sarat for his initiative to bring RLI course [first of its kind I have experienced since my 13 years career in Rotary] with a view to develop quality leadership in Rotary Clubs.