22 March – World Water Day
World Water Day is an international day of observance and action to draw attention to the plight of the more than 1 billion people world wide that lack access to clean and safe drinking water. World Water Day was designated in 1992 when the United Nations (UN) General Assembly passed a resolution. With each passing year, the observance has grown larger and stronger. In many ways though, World Water Day is still a relatively unknown event. Even with the support of the UN and efforts by leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and committed individuals, World Water Day is today at a similar stage as Earth Day was in the early 1970’s – important but relatively unknown. The theme for World Water Day 2009 is Water Connects. We all need water and all water flows together connecting us all and the need to protect this needed resource. It is time for us to realize the importance of water on World Water Day –the 22nd March every year. I recollect a pathetic life without safe water in villages. We the Rotary Club members recently launched Water Projects in Nalgonda District villages near Hyderabad, India. The photo included in this Blog was taken by me - A girl quenches her thirst with the pure drinking water as the Rotarians addressing the school children at the Government High School.We were astonished to listen from villagers that drinking water is being purchased by them at a rate of Rupees fourteen per pot. Please see the a report entitled “Drinking Water Projects quench their thirst” athttp://www.clubrunner.ca/CPrg/home/storyitem.asp?cid=3553&iid=91952 or http://www.rotaryclubofsecunderabadwest.orgLet us be aware of the importance of clean and safe water, spread a word of its necessity and help those who are unable to get clean water. Here are some resources:http://www.worldwaterday.net/http://delhigreens.comGet Ahead To Receive Greetings from me on your Birthday, Festivals and occsssions like this.http://www.birthdayalarm.com/dob/12074274a608018945b363
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